Product Spotlight

Matrix PTFE Gaskets
This range of high-quality, specially processed Expanded PTFE (ePTFE) sealants provides soft, highly compressible gasketing on a roll for long-life, trouble-free sealing that reduces maintenance and storing costs.
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Compressed Non-Asbestos Sheet Gaskets
These sheet materials are designed to meet the highest quality standards and perform in low pressure class applications.
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Services Spotlight

Reverse Engineering
TruFAST™ (Field Acquired Seal Technology) is a custom engineering process that turns undocumented gaskets in the field into new, manufactured products with minimal time and effort.
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Gasket Recommendations
Utilizing our gasket design questionnaire form, we conduct an in-depth assessment of your bolted joint connections and then deliver the best recommendation.
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ISO 9001:2015

We’re where you Need us to be

We meet global demand in the plastics industry through our global headquarters in Houston, Texas and over 20 worldwide manufacturing and distribution locations that allow us to deliver on your timeline.

All locations meet our stringent service, quality and safety requirements and also offer in-depth technical support.

We Deliver on Engineering, Procurement, and Construction

We take pride in helping our customers achieve success with EPC projects of all sizes. Our dedicated EPC team includes sales support, quality, engineering, sourcing production, process design, and shipping — all focused on delivering project success on even the most difficult deadlines.

Our Commitment to Safety and the Environment

Our dedication to safety goes far beyond the doors of our facilities. We also work together with our customers to protect our world. Through constant improvement of our products, processes, and services, we do our part to steward and protect the environment for future generations.

Ready to discuss safety sealing and attachment solutions for the plastics industry?